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The Storch Ring

The Storch Ring is a Webring that aims to bring all related web pages under one roof. A Webring is a continuous loop of web sites with Next and Previous buttons that take you from one site on the ring to the next. The Storch Ring is a linked neighborhood of web sites related to the Fieseler Storch and it's replicas. All that is required is that the sites contain material relevant to the subject and that the page linked to also is the page that contains the ring code. Any related site is welcome.

How Do You Join?

You become a member of the ring by adding your site to a list of potential new members. Once Webring adds your site to the queue, an email will be sent to you with a customized version of the HTML code required for your site. Add this code as soon as possible. After your site is reviewed, it will be added to the ring by the ringmaster.

Submit site to The Storch Ring
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Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

For those interested discussing aspects of the Fi 156 Storch and the various derivatives, there is the Storch discussion List. If you want to join, then please type your E-mail address in the box below and then click on the "Join" icon.

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Standard ring link

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Simple ring link
This web site is a member of  The Storch Ring a linked list of web sites with a common interest.
To visit other sites in the ring, click on one of these links.

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Click here  for more info. 

Ring link using a selector

Storch Webring
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Fancy ring link

This web site is a member of
The Storch Ring
a linked list of web sites relating to the Storch.
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Copyright © 1998
P.H. Rankin Hansen
All Rights Reserved

Updated 01-07-28 at 09:51

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